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Turning Your Facts Into Fiction: Why Should You Do It?

Storytell your intro so you stand out in a crowd

Storytelling used to be reserved for people who could harness word power and who had the charisma to share it with people that they met. Nowadays we all need to be storytellers. Sheesh, even products, services and organisations seek out a narrative. Why? Because:

—Stories are compelling and they appeal to emotions

—We remember stories more than we remember data

—Your story differentiates you from so many other people who share similar backgrounds, skills and experience.

—You manifest a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary brand (parent, sibling, child, friend, professional...) and you need to be able to share what you represent

For example, see how we can take the following facts:


Name: John Smith,

Position: Accountant

Work Experience: worked in large company X (5 years) and small company Y (6 years).

Competencies: broad industry knowledge, attention for detail


And transform them into a value-adding, eye-catching intro:


I'm John Smith. Your company's financials tells the story of where you're at. You don't want just anyone handling the numbers. You want precision, expertise and really broad know-how. I am a wiz at accountancy and I love what I do. With over ten years of experience in large and small organisations, I will fit in really quickly and take great care of your numbers.


This intro is simple, easy to read and it paints a picture of how John Smith's persona is more than JUST an experienced accountant. He also loves what he does, is great at it and can be trusted to do it well. In short: your organisation needs someone like him.

So when you are meeting someone for the first time, or sending a resume, or preparing your intro for some other use, consider adding appeal by converting your facts into your personal fiction.

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